I prefer 2 part drills. Even if it’s one string of fire, I try to find a way to part it out. Like how I did on the Bill Drill. This one is two part in a different way. The Hold Drill teaches and tests at the same time. I’m sure I’m not the first […]

I prefer 2 part drills. Even if it’s one string of fire, I try to find a way to part it out. Like how I did on the Bill Drill. This one is two part in a different way. The Hold Drill teaches and tests at the same time. I’m sure I’m not the first […]
It’s always interesting to see which articles really resonate with readers on our site. Some reviews and “How-to’s” fade quickly while others stay popular for years. One such article is “How to build an AR-15: A Beginner’s Guide” by Nate Schultz. It was published in July of 2017 and still regularly registers enough clicks to […]
Not every encounter or engagement is going to be a static target 25 yards away. Most attacks happen within what’s called the combative bubble. If you were to draw a circle around yourself that was 7 yards from your centerline, that is your combative bubble. Anything that happens within this 7 yards will more likely […]
“The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.” General John Pershing, U.S. Army. No matter what their MOS is, every Marine is a rifleman. They are all trained to effectively engage targets out to 500 meters, perform basic battlefield maneuvers, and professionally maintain the standard issue service rifle. This is one of […]
Is it possible to reload 22 Long Rifle rimfire ammunition? If you had asked me a few weeks ago I would have said no. In general, I didn’t think rimfire could be reloaded due to rimfire priming. However, a company called 22 Reloader has introduced a kit that makes it possible. The 22 Reloader kit […]
Unfortunately, we’ve seen more loss of life due to mass attacks and school shootings than we care to talk about. The details are often blurry, but from what I’ve read and sifted through it appears that several of the shooters were wearing body armor of some type. When a bad guy starts shooting and they […]
When it comes to firearms training we should all practice from a variety of positions. Most of us practice from the standing, and maybe even the kneeling if the range allows it. Something that is often overlooked is fighting from the ground. The most important term in gunfighting is fighting. It should never be forgotten […]
First off, let me say I’m not here to compare resumes or try and distract from John “Shrek” McPhee in any way. If you take my years in the military and contracting and multiply them by three, that’s John’s years. This is an article about nuance and fundamentals. Shrek recently put out a video of […]
“You can hit the trigger with a ratchet and still hit where you’re aiming. Trigger jerk is a myth.” – John McPhee About John McPhee: John McPhee is a retired Special Operations Sargeant Major and Owner of S.O.B. Tactical He has trained countless U.S. Special Operations forces and thousands of International Tier 1 Operators around the […]
The SIRT Pistol Optical Trainer (SPOT) is a very simple and cost-effective way to train for the reflexive optic you may have on your live fire pistol. The SPOT fits on your SIRT slide (110 glockish models) and uses the red trigger take up laser to mimic the dot in a pistol mounted red dot […]
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