SilencerCo, a West Valley, Utah based manufacturer of sound suppressors will be the first company we’re spotlighting from SHOT Show 2016. We met with several members of SilencerCo’s management on Industry Day at the Range in Boulder City, Nevada and were highly impressed with what they have to offer.
Range Day was packed with thousands of journalists, reporters, and industry pundits all clamoring to get their hands on the latest in gadgets, guns, and accessories. Yet, even in this semi state of chaos and noise, the folks at SilencerCo took the time to answer my questions, explain their design and build strategies and let me squeeze off my fair share of rounds through their new products.
I knew of the company by name and reputation, but hadn’t ever looked at their suppressors up close. I own a different brand and by the end of the day I was wishing I had chosen one of theirs instead of the Yankee Hill & Machine that I currently own.
At this years show the company released a pistol that as revolutionary as it is eye catching – the Maxim 9 integrally suppressed 9mm pistol. The one and only copy of this pistol was on display and according to management, utilizes three dimensional printing technologies and Glock 17 magazines. It’s looks like it was taken off the set of any science fiction film.

Not just satisfied with impressing the crowd with a new experimental prototype pistol, SilencerCo had a large selection of other products on display as well. One of the best things about Range Day is that 99% of the vendors who have guns on display practically beg you to shoot them for yourself. If they took the trouble to bring them out, shouldn’t I make the best of it?
The Omega 9K suppressor caught my eye almost instantly. It tips the scales at 4.7″ long, weighing 8.8 ounces, and was affixed to my favorite gun of all time, the MP5 sub-machine gun. This particular MP5 was built by the same manufacturer as the one I own, Dakota Tactical of Canton, Michigan. I asked a few questions about the Omega 9K and I knew from the second I saw it on the bench, I had to test it out.

As I approached the firing line I was asked by the SilencerCo representative if I was familiar with the MP5. I told him I owned one of the early models of the D54 from Dakota Tactical, he smiled and nodded, said “Well enjoy,” and stepped back. I clicked the selector to the full auto position and squeezed off several short bursts all impacting the steel target directly in front of me.
When my magazine was empty and I placed the gun back on the table the rep asked me what I thought of the Omega 9K, and explained that it was available in .300 blackout as well as the 9mm I had tried. Overall, I was very impressed. The 8.8 oz of the suppressor was noticeable, but did help lessen the minimal muzzle creep of the MP5.
The distribution of weight of the Omega 9K was much more balanced than other suppressors I’ve used and took a very short time to get comfortable. The Omega 9K felt more natural than other brands of suppressors I had tried previously on the end of the rifle. The sound suppression capabilities are impressive listing the muzzle noise at 124 dB when using 147 grain 9mm full metal jacketed rounds.
I can only assume that the configuration and size of this set up would make the Omega 9K highly desirable to military and law enforcement units who still use the MP5. Anytime you can get better results in a smaller package, it’s definitely worth the time to investigate.

SilencerCo has been at the front of the fight in keeping suppressors legally accessible to law abiding citizens and at the same time developing innovative designs such as the Salvo 12 – the first commercially viable shotgun suppressor. I found it refreshing that in the hustle and crowds of people at both range day and the entire SHOT Show, every member of the SilencerCo staff I spoke with was enthusiastic, polite, and friendly without being condescending.
SilencerCo makes more than a dozen different suppressors to suit your needs. For example, the Saker series is made for rifles and is available in both 5.56mm and 7.62 mm. It would be great accessory for any semi automatic rifle such as an AR15 or AK47 series. If long guns are more your speed, you should check out the Harvester series, which is available in .223, .308, .300 Winchester Magnum, and .338 Lapua Magnum.
If you are even remotely considering purchasing a suppressor for sport shooting, hunting, or for duty use you should take the time to check out SilencerCo. In the short time I was at their booth I tested the Omega 9K (9mm), the Saker .223, and the Specwar 7.62mm all of which are in my opinion superior to other brands I’ve either tested or own.
According to SilencerCo., they’ve not only done special edition package deals with companies such as Noveske Rifleworks and Dakota Tactical, but more collaborative works are coming soon. These specially packaged rifles come as a complete kit with special serial numbers and tuned to run optimally in a fitted case.
I hope you enjoyed this look at SilencerCo, a company that I am sure will be leading the charge in suppressor development in the years to come. Rumor has it that a new roller lock style .300 Blackout and possibly a packaged Uzi 9mm package will be coming out soon.
— Rick