We Bought a New Truck! Yes, I said WE because as I dove head first into this venture I needed to be sure everyone was onboard with the decision! What drove that was the realization that my bank account and financial standing were going to be considerably LESS than I was used to, I mean, […]
We Hope You Don’t Pay a Lot for Those Knockoffs
The Folding Morphing Knockoff Thing From the Internet Knockoffs are the way of the world and, unfortunately, in today’s society if you have even a good product, someone somewhere WILL copy it. Some of these copies are good and sometimes even authorized, think the original Taurus model 92. But some are copies of a copy […]
The $40 Karambit Gift
Check out the latest video from Garfield as he takes a look at Knockoff’s this week. Being “the Gear Guy” had its advantages, honest! In this case, people just stop by and give you stuff to play with and review for the Internet, like a $40 knockoff Karambit that has a pretty design on the […]
My AR Pistol Project or, How PSA Helped Me Turn a Budget AR Into Something Shootable and Fun
“Well, it’s a little old and, umm, gummed up with some, stuff”. We were talking about an AR pistol and suddenly the conversation wasn’t going in a great direction, definitely not one that I was getting excited about. We kept speaking, a better description was forthcoming, a deal was finalized and some days later […]
Gerber Dual Force Multi-Tool, a Home Run, Just Another Multi-Tool, or Somewhere In-Between?
Multi Tools tend to come in a limited number of categories starting with totally useless, (and I have a couple of those), to WOW how did I EVER live my life without this? Most are difficult to use in any kind of stressful situation, aren’t put together well, or have one good tool and a […]
What Are the Best Self-defense Guns for Women To Look For?
When you hear the term self-defense, you naturally think that only men must protect themselves. However, assaults and other dangers also concern women. According to statistics, one out of every six women has been stalked, and one in three will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Individuals of color and LGBTQ individuals are at a […]
Anatomy of a Barrel – Beginner’s Guide
In order to understand how a barrel works, you must first understand the anatomy of a barrel. A gun barrel is made up of several different parts, each with its own unique purpose. In this beginner’s guide, we will discuss the function of each part and explain how they work together to create an accurate […]
The Case for the Ruger SR22—The Small But Mighty Handgun
There’s a lot of talk about big, powerful handguns on the market these days. But what if you’re looking for something small and functional? That’s where the Ruger SR22 comes in. Let’s take a closer look at the Ruger SR22 and see why it might be the right choice for you. The Ruger SR22 is […]
The 10 Best Rifle Scopes for Long-Range Shooting (2022)
There is a reason why gun enthusiasts and military veterans are always talking about sniper scopes. They are essential for anyone looking to shoot accurately at long ranges. Here, we will explore the 10 best rifle scopes for long-range shooting. We will also provide you with a buyer’s guide so that you can find the […]
Kel-Tec Sub 2000: Portable, Light, HIghly Effective Firepower
Kel-Tec is one of the most innovative gun makers in the market, as they continually launch various variants for firearms that are comparatively less expensive than the competition. In addition, Kel-Tec is known for providing updated, practical improvements to its initial designs, and here, we will tackle the features of its very own Sub 2000. […]