There are several different schools of thought out there for CQB (close quarters battle) tactics. The one thing that will remain constant, provided technology doesn’t find a way around it, is the act of slicing the pie. This is a term used to round corners or objects that obstruct the shooters field of view while clearing segments that come into their field of view. These segments make up the portions of “pie” and center around the apex of the corner. Slicing the pie is an essential technique to clearing an unknown area that is past an object or corner.
The most fundamental way to employ this technique is a doorway to a room that contains unknown contents or off the corner of a building. The trick to getting it right is a couple key aspects. For starters, the shooter must give themselves enough space between their body and the wall/structure to extend their weapon to the fullest. Slowly round the corners apex or take it is small segments by side stepping; there are a few methods here. The important part is to not move faster than you can effectively engage targets that appear past the apex point. Like driving a car, you should never go faster than you can see and stop in relation to your horizon line. Take it slow and methodically round the corner while and engaging targets as necessary. Make the most of cover and/or concealment while you do this. I would also advise a low alert weapon position/posture while performing this. Keeping the weapon slightly lowered ensures that the shooter maintains a full field of view and their line of sight is not obstructed.

Slicing the pie is a great foundation to tactics for all aspects of combat shooting. It can be employed by a homeowner experiencing a home invasion or by a Marine clearing a building overseas. Above all, it’s imperative to have the fundamentals of marksmanship down first. If you’re new to doing the more dynamic based shooting, take it slow and practice at home without ammunition (obviously). Train efficiently, safely, and often and you will be good to go.
Featured image courtesy of the author.