This post serves as the end of my experimentation of using a bicycle inner tube to mount a knife to my belt. You can read the original post here, as well as my follow up once I started force on force training with it. FINAL EVALUATIONS I continued to use the bike tube + retention line […]
Meet SEAL Team 6’s Bladesmith
On a summer day in 2010, I walked into a sporting goods store in Nashville and bought the sharpest, meanest looking knife I could find. It wasn’t completely for show: a few days later, I boarded a plane to Afghanistan for a yearlong deployment with the 101st Airborne Division. For the next 12 months, the […]
Snipers, the Cleanest Killers in the History of Warfare
The Surveillance and Target Acquisition Platoon of 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines during the mid 1980s through the mid 1990s had their platoon t-shirts printed with this on it: Invisible Souls – Leave .308 Holes; my favorite shirt ever. First, this is in no way a slight on pilots, artilleryman, or anyone else. This is to […]
So You Wanna be a Border Patrol Agent….
(Article courtesy of Breach Bang Clear) So you Wanna be a Border Patrol Agent…. Vince “Rocco” Vargas I get this question all the time… How do I become a Border Patrol Agent? How do I join Special Operations? First you need to apply for the Border Patrol. You do this by going to USAJOBS.Gov. There […]
Better Gunfighting: How Daniel Defense Helps LEOs
(Article courtesy of Breach Bang Clear) Better Gunfighting: How Daniel Defense Helps LEOs Candice Horner Over the past year, mainstream media is paying more attention to ambush attacks on police. With the Dallas Shooting being the deadliest incident on law enforcement since September 11th, it was the catalyst to acknowledging there is a problem with how […]
Death and Taxes
(Article courtesy of Breach Bang Clear) Death and Taxes The phrase “death and taxes” has been around for a couple centuries now. Benjamin Franklin said it (well, wrote it in a letter) most famously: “Our new Constitution is established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to […]
Upgraded personal filter for Marines on the go: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Marine Corps is investing in a next-generation water purification system that will allow individual Marines to get safe, drinkable water straight from the source. The Individual Water Purification System Block II is an upgrade to the current version issued to all Marines. “With IWPS II, Marines are able to quickly purify fresh bodies of […]
So you want to learn Combatives?
Damian Ross is a lifelong martial artist, wrestler, bouncer, and fighter who studied under Carl Cestari who was a teacher of the William Fairbairn / Eric Sykes method of military combatives. This system of combatives was developed prior to World War II for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which was the predecessor to the […]
Message for U.S. Citizens | Traveling Overseas in 2017
The Scene: This week while traveling OCONUS, I was staying in a majority non-Caucasian and heavily Muslim area of the city; an alarm at 0-dark-30 proved that having an EDC kit, pre-staging your gear and performing rehearsal works. As the other sleep-deprived guests emerged from the hotel and began to cluster and loiter, waiting for the […]
Saturday Screeds: Put Bullets in the Meaty Bits
(Article courtesy of Breach Bang Clear) I’ve watched about 5,000 gunfights at this point, and the patterns that emerge are pretty clear. Some thoughts you might want to consider that I don’t think that the training community really wants to hear: 1. Most gunfights aren’t entangled gunfights. Empty-handed skills are important, but very rare once […]