For a defensive minded person, potential threats to the well-being of you and your family are always near the forefront of your mind. Whether you’re walking down a dimly lit New York City alleyway or trudging up the steep and well-worn mountain path behind your wooded home, there are dangers to consider and mitigate if […]
Manly Skills
Winning the fight: The biggest, strongest guy in the bar usually isn’t the one you need to worry about
For the security conscious, walking into a crowded bar usually isn’t your idea of a good time. Crowds are exceptionally good at concealing threats, and those who have built careers (either legitimate or otherwise) by being a threat know that. These days, I’m a pretty big fella. At six feet tall and around 245 pounds, […]
Stop ‘glamping’ and get back to basics with these minimalist camping tips from a wilderness survival expert
I grew up camping. Some of my happiest childhood memories are of being curled up in a sleeping bag and a pup tent, reading comics by flashlight. I always assumed everyone grew up that way, loving and appreciating the outdoors by visiting it every now and again. So, you can imagine my shock and utter […]
When point shooting in CQB is good to go
For every shooter there is a certain range that they reach their limit of proficiency at, of course this is not a constant but changes with time and practice; as skill improves, so does the distance. This point of proficiency is the furthest distance the shooter can effectively engage point targets with an almost constant […]
Precision rifle zeroing | Basics done right by Ranger sniper team leader
I’ve seen some pretty talented shooters making the same basic mistakes at the range. Over and over again, I see (and have fallen victim to) brain farts that should elude all but the most basic shooter. Screws that weren’t properly torqued coming loose in scope rings, spending far too long (and too many rounds) trying […]
There’s a serious problem with most of your ‘survival vehicle’ plans…
Although I spent the better portion of my twenties running around the world with a fresh fade and my boots bloused, the line of work I was in both before and after serving in the Marine Corps was in the racing industry. Most folks might be surprised to know that there are some real parallels […]
5 methods to purify water from a survival instructor
During some training in the military I was sent on a second solo evasion living exercise because I did terrible at my first one. The weather wasn’t terrible and I mostly had sun. The temperature dropped well below freezing at night but I was allowed to have a fire. Life was quite peaceful and I […]
Tactical thought – keeping it simple
“Why do you keep these tactics so simple?” That’s a question I get sometimes by thoughtful students in my classes. There is a moment in life where you realize that all those paths you created in that dense forest of problems in your head might not be accessible when you venture into the dark. Whether […]
Three survival skills you learned from movies (that will get you killed)
We tend not to go to movies looking for realism. Even the movies we watch that are “based on” or “inspired by” true stories tend to bend the facts of the tale around a more logical (or marketable) narrative that audiences would be more likely to get behind, but some common tropes have become so […]
Introducing ‘The Professionals Playbook’ – F-35 pilot Justin Lee interviews CIA Officer, author Michele Rigby Assad
*Editor’s note: Here at the Loadout Room, we pride ourselves on being well prepared and well rounded individuals capable of performing under whatever circumstances life throws at us. That’s just what Justin “Hasard” Lee’s podcast, “The Professionals Playbook” is all about. Lee, an active duty F-35 pilot with multiple combat deployments under his belt at […]