Ruffwear is a company that specializes in outdoor gear for your dog. If you have a dog and you are an outdoor enthusiast of any kind, Ruffwear is worth checking out. This article is going to go over two kinds of Bivy Bowls available at Ruffwear. Specifically, we will look at the Bivy Bowl and the Bivy Cinch. I mentioned these in my last hunting dog training article and will give updates throughout this yearlong series.
We all know that when we take our dogs with us on adventures, that we also need to take along food and water. Often this can become a pain because bowls are large, heavy, or they just take up too much room in a day-pack. Ruffwear decided to specifically address these problems with their Bivy series.
Both bowls utilize a waterproof, single-wall construction. This engineering enables the bowls to be functional, sturdy, and light-weight. Additionally, the bowls have a built-in loop and reflective trim for storage and loss prevention. The Bivy Bowl comes in at $24.95 and the Bivy Cinch at $29.95. Ruffwear has a guarantee/warranty program that can be found here.

Bivy Bowl Specifications (Medium):
When deployed
Opening 6”
Height 3 ¾”
Length 7 ½”
Weight 3oz (2.96oz according to Ruffwear)
Capacity 1.8L
When Collapsed
Height 1”
Length 7 ½”
Although the Bivy Bowl easily holds 1.8L of water, I recommend the 1.6L-1.7L range to make moving the bowl around much easier. To deploy the bowl, gently pull up the lip and the bowl expands via internal rings, which also provide support for the water. Once your dog finishes eating, dump the remaining water out and push the edges down to completely collapse the bowl.

Bivy Cinch Specifications (Medium):
When Deployed
Opening 6”
Height ¾”
Length 7 ½”
Weight 3.4oz (3.38oz according to Ruffwear)
Capacity 1.8L (I easily put 5 cups of dry food inside)
When Collapsed
Height 1”
Length 7 ½”
The operations of the Bivy Cinch is identical to the Bivy Bowl. The added feature on the Bivy Cinch is a built-in cover for your dog’s food. Pull the draw strings and a tight cover forms over top of the food. This comes in handy if your dog didn’t finish his meal or as a means to pack the food from the start of your adventure.
As stated previously, these products integrate into the Hunting Dog Series. I intend on testing them while hunting, hiking, and training with my dog. If there are any cons to the Bivy products, I am sure they will be uncovered. Look for a more comprehensive review late summer.
(Featured Image Courtesy of