Ever since the Southern Territorials in May, I haven’t been able to hit crap. Trying to get faster, something weird snuck into my draw and suddenly I was shooting all over the backstop and not hitting the plate. Hitting the plate is what it’s all about. Nothing else really matters. That post earlier this week, […]
How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver: Pivot Pin
Following our step-by-step AR-15 lower receiver build? If you’ve left off from installing your bolt catch, let’s go through installing the pivot pin (like these). If you’d like a visual reference, check out this video. The time stamp below will skip you straight to the corresponding content in this post. If you need more detail on […]
Long Range Shooting: External Ballistics – The Coriolis Effect
Following the long range shooting series? Here’s the next installment of external ballistics theory: the Coriolis Effect. On Bullet Trajectory Part 1 and part 2, I talked about Coriolis Effect as a variable which affect the bullet flight both on the horizontal and the vertical plane of the trajectory. But what exactly is Coriolis Effect? […]
How to Buy Your First Gun: Reasons and Research
Find a grip that’s right for you. Selecting a gun that feels good in your hands is no easy task. No two shooters have the exact same hands, so what works for others may not suit you, and vice-versa. If there are features you need to get to, such as a safety or slide release […]
What Do I Put on my Hunting AR-15? – AR Accessories
Any AR can be converted into a great hunting AR-15 with a few well-chosen rifle accessories. But, if you own an AR-15 you already know that there is a seemingly-endless amount of options available. It can be overwhelming to figure out what you actually need. If your goal is to configure a hunting AR-15, hopefully […]
SOCOM chooses 300 Norma Mag for Advanced Sniper Rifle
I t’s official – SOCOM has selected the 300 Norma Mag as the new Advanced Sniper Rifle (ASR) cartridge! The 300 Norma Mag is based off of the 338 Norma Mag case necked down to accept a .30 caliber bullet. It launches a 220gr .308 bullet at just over 3,000 fps. That’s 4,400 ft/lbs of […]
A Ranger and Romanian AK
Before the price gouging of weapons while I was stationed at Ft. Benning GA, I purchased an AK-47 (Romanian) at a local dealership for $174.00. I wanted an AK-47 after a few deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, everyone in those areas of operations had one and it seemed to serve its purpose for them just […]
The Winchester 1897 Shotgun
The Winchester 1897 is one of the more distinctive historical shotguns out there. It’s been romanticized through movies and video games but its name is still one that will escape a lot of people. The 1897 was a big star beside 1911 in the film, the Wild Bunch. More recently it was the shotgun of […]
Why I Switched to Double Action Semi-Autos
In most violent encounters when a handgun is used in self-defense, the choice of handgun is not a significant factor in the outcome. Yep, you read that right. For all of the time and effort we spend on carefully selecting our tools for self-defense, the decision is not nearly as important in these scenarios as we’d like […]
The Army M855A1 5.56mm “Green Round”: Better and Badder
Get ready. I’m about to overturn what a lot of knowledgeable “gun people” think they know about the Army’s M855A1 “Green Round”. There will be gnashing of teeth as angry keyboarding hammers out responses that will most likely ignore the facts I’m about to share. What’s prompted me to cause this upheaval in “common knowledge” […]