Tenicor is a hot company at the moment. Many of the more infamous tactical/firearm e-stores have been stocking their products and there is clearly a following. Their most popular holster seems to be the Tenicor Velo, an AIWB rig, with a wedge molded onto the backside of the holster for better concealment, (achieved by pushing […]
loadout room
Vehicle Preparedness Kit: The 12-hour bag
Although this bag is not necessarily part of my ’emergency’ kit for roadside emergencies, it does stay in my vehicle next to the roadside assistance gear. Some may want to categorize this as a go-bag, which I guess it could fill that role. Part of my preparedness mindset is being ready to assist others when […]
CRYE Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier versus the CRYE Jumpable Plate Carrier 2.0
The CRYE Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier (JPC) is a minimalist, lightweight plate carrier. I used the first generation for about a year before it was destroyed by a combat medic and a pair of scissors during an operation. I wore it through a brutal training regimen and a combat deployment. It is the best kit […]
The Loadout Room is seeking motivated gear reviewers
The Loadout Room is looking to increase its pool of gear reviewers. To start, this is a pro-bono position where you will do video reviews covering firearms and gear that you currently own, documenting what you like or dislike about it, and why. This can be done via iPhone/smartphone or higher end cameras. For examples, check out our […]
The T3 Gen 2 Kit Bag: A weatherproof kit bag for any operation
A kit bag is what all my gear goes into. I have a contractor bag by LBT that I put all my normal clothes into, but in my kit bag goes my expensive gear and often times its overloaded with gear that is a pain in the ass to carry. The second that I found […]
Mechanix Wear FastFit Gloves
When looking for a tactical set of gloves we all have our favorite brands, Oakley, Mechanix, Condor, and so on. Some of us will hunt high and low to find the right set of gloves and pay what we need to pay, which can be expensive at times. I recently deployed to a new AO (area of operations) and was […]
Navy SEAL shoots with Taran Tactical: Gun setup and shooting techniques for competition
We’ve all seen the Taran Tactical shooting videos with Keanu Reeves training for the John Wick movies which is bad-ass. I’m not usually one to watch videos on competition shooting since that is not my thing, but I have to say the following video held my attention the entire time. Here, Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan takes the time […]
Deuter Speedlite 20: The adventure go-bag turned mobile office
I have a lot of bags, probably more than most people. Most of it is due to my job, but some have also been personal purchases. I’ve tested many bags over the years and have my favorites. One thing I have come to accept is that there is no one bag for everything, but I’ve […]
Grey Ghost Gear Thirst Quencher Hydration Pack
I’ve said it before. It hasn’t changed. I like my gear minimalist and simple. The Grey Ghost Gear TQ Hydration Pack fits that bill and then some. Made from quality materials, it seems like every stitch and design feature was well thought out. It’s a good looking pack that can work as a daily gym/work […]
A former Army Delta Operator’s Glock 17 setup
My Glock 17 is thirty years old now. It is the first and last pistol I ever bought. I retained it primarily for personal home defense, as I was up to my neck in pistols at work. When I retired from Delta, I decided to apply the essential modifications to my Glock as I had […]