Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.23.2017 Saturday morning in the gym for shoulders and back work. Towel pull-ups are for those with no access to ropes. The only way to get better at pull-ups and climbing ropes….is to practice doing them until they are a strength.  Followed by a four-mile run. Log your numbers […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.22.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.22.2017 Friday means another Leg Day at the gym. Begin with some Squats – front, dumbbell goblet, and barbell to build up strength for carrying a ruck. We’re going with a lighter weight and more reps here.  Then some lunges and after the weighted sled push, finish the workout […]
Special Operations forces selection PT preparation 9.21.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.21.2017 Back to the gym today as we prep for the UBRR with a Chest and Triceps workout. Then a 4-mile ruck march with 45-pounds minimum. Remember to stretch well before and after and to stay hydrated. Mark your progress down in your workout log book. Training: More Preparation […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.20.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.20.2017 Shoulders and back day in the gym before heading off to do a 5-mile rucksack march. Conduct the ruck over varied terrain and remember to hydrate throughout. It is a good habit to get used to doing while rucking and a needed one for the time when you’re […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.19.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.19.2017 Tuesday is Leg Day, time for building strength and endurance, begin with pull-ups and towel pull-ups for those who don’t have access to ropes for climbing. Then squats, lunges and the sled followed by a four-mile run Training: Continue to prep for the UBRR 3 x Pullups 10 […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.18.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.18.2017 A good workout is the best way to start Monday and the week off right. We’ll start with the basics of pushups, sit-ups, and crunches, then to the bar for V-ups, pull-ups, and dips before a 5-mile run in a mini UBRR test. Remember to mark your progress […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.15.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.15.2017 It is Friday, so it also means Leg Day at the gym. Begin with some Squats – front, dumbbell goblet, and barbell. Then some lunges and after the weighted sled push, finish the workout off with a 4-mile run. Remember to stretch well after the workout and to […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.14.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.14.2017 Thursday is Chest and Triceps day at the gym today to build upper body strength. Then a 4-mile ruck march with 45-pounds minimum. Have you broken in your second pair of boots yet? Remember to stay hydrated and mark your progress down in your workout log book. Training: More Preparation […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.13.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.13.2017 Shoulders and back day in the gym before heading off to do the SOF (Special Operations Forces) Triathlon. A 3-mile run, a 3-mile rucksack march, and a 300-meter swim with fatigues and boots. Aim to go as fast as you can in each event. Get used to swimming with […]
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.12.2017
Special Operations Forces Selection PT Preparation 9.12.2017 Tuesday is Leg Day at the gym, our favorite, but we’ll begin with pull-ups and towel pull-ups for those who don’t have access to ropes for climbing. The squats and lunges build up the strength in your lower body for carrying a rucksack, which is the bread and […]