You ever hear the line, “it ain’t easy being green”? Well it ain’t I’m 6’7″, flipper sized feet, piano fingers and a big hat size all crammed into one body walking around trying to make my way in the world, and some days I get the feeling the world just isn’t made for people my size.
Enter Garmont, specifically the T8 Falcon’s which I’ve been wearing almost non-stop for over 1 month now and couldn’t be happier with. The first and best part of these boots, for me anyway, is THEY FIT! The Garmont Tactical line come in regular and wide width’s up to size 15 in most models so they can fit just about anybody and keep their feet comfortable.

I was going to SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas which meant hours on my feet and at least 3 miles per day walking so I needed something that would hold up to the punishment, not tear my feet or back up, and break in quickly.
They arrived the week before SHOT SHOW and I immediately unpacked them and got a good look before I put them on. I was wearing a set of Reebok high tops which are normally my go to shoe’s because they fit and wear well for me but to be honest I wasn’t confident about them holding up to the usage they were going to have to take. A quick comparison showed the T8’s are slightly bigger but much lighter than my Reebok’s but the feeling inside was much the same. The T8’s gripped the foot with a solid but very comfortable interior, great ankle support, and a solid innersole that has an inner shank providing arch support.

These boots are efficient, modern and durable, they combine sturdy materials, such as leather, with more flexible ones, like nylon, offering unparalleled support and lightness. The soft EVA GTF® MAGNET sole offers a responsive feel, to speed your way across the terrain and perform activities requiring control and agility. They performed exceptionally well on Industry Day at the Range in Boulder NV, at graduation day FT Moore, all during SHOT SHOW, our local comic convention, range days, in fact every day since I got them. Industry Day at SHOT SHOW saw us in wet and rainy weather at the outdoor range, no problem for the T8’s. The main SHOW was minimum 3 miles every day all day on my feet walking and standing, again no problem. Travel days, no problem no matter how long the day was and yes, the first travel day was a long day! At the end of the days during SHOT SHOW my feet didn’t hurt, my knee and hip didn’t hurt, the back was fine and after sitting down for supper getting back up and walking more wasn’t a problem. These boots keep me in the game all day, every day for 12 hours minimum each day, and longer on other days as I attended events after hours.
I just finished the weekend at the local comic convention with Grandson #2 wearing the T8’s and walking everywhere. It’s not a big convention but, we walk everywhere, stand in line and walk to the next place etc. Again, the T8’s still show no signs of wear and none of the environments I’ve worn them in have made a detrimental impact on them yet. What I said after SHOT SHOW still stands today:
Garmont T8 Falcon’s, I’m glad I got a pair and I’ll continue to wear them and the Tactical High Coyote socks that came with them. Both are doing a great job at protecting and supporting my feet.
Garfield out