I got linked up with Gray Man Training through a mutual friend and was sent this IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) to see what I thought. The short answer is, “I’m a fan.” But for those who want some more details, keep reading.
What I like most about the Gray Man IFAK is it is exactly that, an IFAK. No unnecessary bells and whistles. The owner (Shea Stewart) spent some time as a Navy Special Warfare Combatant –Craft Crewman (SWCC) and was selected to attend the Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center in Fort Bragg, N.C. where he received extensive training in combat medicine, earning the distinction of Special Operations Combat Medic. So it’s safe to say he knows how to design an IFAK.
Gray Man’s IFAK is a modified version of the DA Medic Pouch from CRO medical. The two did a little collaboration to bring you a slim and low profile kit that can easily be concealed in a purse, briefcase, EDC backpack, vehicle etc. It can also function as a legitimate IFAK for duty without taking up too much belt space. Gray Man also built the kit with the idea that the person accessing it would need to be able to do everything by feel and that everything would stay in place.
The medical gear inside is laid out in the order that someone would need to grab them according to the MARCH algorithm of TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) and TECC (Tactical Emergency Combat Care). Tourniquet first, then hemostatic gauze and pressure dressing material for massive hemorrhage, then an NPA (nasopharyngeal airway) with lube (hand glued on to make opening the NPA and lube with gross motor skills possible) for airway management, then a chest seal for holes in the box (chin to navel).
As an ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) First Responder Medical Instructor this is exactly the way we train police officers to apply treatment before we can get medical personnel on scene. Bleeding and airway comes first, and then tension-pneumothorax and hyperthermia treatment follows. There is no decompression needle in this kit but by the time that is needed, I pray medical professionals are on scene. Not to mention needle decompression is a semi-invasive procedure that needs training signed off on by a doctor and I myself as a police officer am not authorized to use or teach such a technique at my department.
All and all I think Gray Man Training did a jam up job at designing this kit and I would definitely recommend it to others. Jump on his Instagram page @graymantraining or shoot him an email to [email protected] to order. Checkout the video to see the kit in action.