One of the things I like to do when I get a new pair of outdoor shoes or boots is too replace the factory laces. Typically, I replace the old laces with para-cord since it’s considerably more durable and offers more uses. One of the most important pieces of gear when it comes to the outdoors is your shoes or boots. Without proper footwear and protection for your feet you won’t last too long. When I get ready for an outdoor activity, whether it’s just a short day hike or multi day backpacking trip, I want to know my footwear will provide lasting comfort and protection. Once I heard about Rhino Laces I had to give them a try. These are designed by two former Wildland Firefighters, so they know what it means to have gear that your life depends on.

(image courtesy of
So what makes these Rhino Laces so tough and resilient?
- made from a strong inner core
- wrapped in a blended sheathing
- capped with solid metal lace tips
They are also available in several different colors – from left to right:
- Reflective Red
- Spec Ops Black
- Reflective Black
- Coyote Tan

(image courtesy of
The Rhino Laces are assembled by hand in the U.S.A. and must pass very high quality standards before being shipped to customers. The Rhino Laces will not burn through, wear out, or break under the stress of your adventure.
Sizes: The Rhino Laces are available in sizes from 36″ all the way up to 110″ depending on the number of eyelets and type of shoe or boot. The best way to get the correct size is to just measure the length of your current laces and order the closest length they have.
MSRP: $29.00, although be sure to check their Facebook page for sales and discounts.
BONUS: They are guaranteed for life and they will replace them for free if something happens.
(Featured Image Courtesy of Rhino Laces)