Another great article from Sean Northrop.
MOVIE SLOGANS! Most of Us can remember walking into our local Movie Rental Store, and seeing them everywhere. The posters, the cardboard cutouts, but almost always on the front of each Movie case. Love them, or hate them, they all ultimately served one purpose, to convey a message. Usually by getting the “POINT” across, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Whether you wanted to watch a Stealthy Ninja in feudal Japan, or a Secret Agent on a mission, the one thing you could guarantee in any story, someone was getting themselves and their stuff past some kind of security.

Black Triangle has been giving us the ability to do just that since 2017. They were awesome enough to send me the X-2 to do this piece on, so before I dive into the blade, I want to share a bit about the company.
First, and most importantly, they are Veteran Owned and Operated with all products manufactured in the USA!
Black Triangle was created on the idea that the individual, regardless of the location or atmosphere, has the means and tools to defend themselves at the ready. That idea, along with years of operational and field experience, laid the foundation for what they have become today. Based in Chesapeake, Virginia. Black Triangle has been a staple in the EDC world with both civilians and professionals alike no doubt due to their innovation. If you check out their website you’ll see what they stand for: “Our mission statement is to provide armed professionals & citizens with low-visibility personal protection assets in semi or non-permissive environments. Our core values are to deliver a high-quality product to the end user on time, provide a customer support experience that surpasses expectation and foster a company culture that promotes personal and organizational growth.”
The X-2 itself:
I was so excited when I received the X-2. Not just because of the Blade, but because of the packaging. Each one of Black Triangle’s G10 blades comes in its own “Black Triangle Video” VHS case, along with a matching sticker. Some are “store” cases, but if the blade has a theme, it seems the case will be as if it were a Movie cover. The 80’s color schemes really make the cases stand out too!

On the contrary, the X-2 with its triangular shaped Blade, and sheath, come standard in black. options for sheath covers, as well as the choice to get the static line sheath(100% recommend) are available. The pair is 100% metal free, and the G10 knife is backed by a Lifetime Guarantee.
SHEATH: A Standard Clipped sheath ships with the blade.
Carry and Handling:
The X-2 ships with a bare handle. Even so, its ergonomic design feels extremely comfortable in the hand, and allows for a good grip. The Unsheathing process is smooth as well. You will always be able to find solid real-estate on the pommel for the pull. I currently have the handle wrapped in hollowed out 550 cord which I like. In the future I may try micro cord, or hockey tape if I want to change it up.
I’ve been carrying the X-2 in multiple positions and locations on body mostly, but I’ve run it in my coat, and even embedded in the shoulder strap of a bag. My only decisions on why I carry a certain way, or where, depends on my destination, and if I’m carrying anything else.
Also, make sure not to forget you have it on you either. It is so lightweight that if you aren’t cognizant of it, you may forget it’s there until you’ve carried it long enough to become routine.
I can confirm that I have passed through several different security checkpoints of varying degrees off scanning and thoroughness.
With that said, no laws were broken in doing so, nor would I suggest anyone attempt to.

Final Thoughts:
I personally love it, and now want to look at other models. Currently there are 15 G10 knife options listed on their website, as well as trainers. They offer multiple other EDC products as well, to include IWB holsters. Head on over to their website and look around. If you can’t find something you like, I’m not sure how you ended up on this site in the first place.
Sean Northrop:
Sean is a Marine Corps Veteran who served 10 years Active Duty from 2004-2014. His time in service was spent in the Infantry, and went on multiple combat deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan. As well as being an Instructor at Weapons & Field Training Battalion(West), He also works in the Private Security Industry for two(non-competing) contractors. In his free time, if he’s not at the range, or building something, he is with his Wife, 3 children, and German Shepherd(Loki).