Ever head out to the range for an informal day of shooting and decide to run mag change drills with your spare mag in your pants pocket? Unless you carefully stage that mag just right, it usually ends up an embarrassing display. It should also serve as a flashing red warning light for those who carry a spare mag in a CCW situation. Either plan ahead or expect to have that magazine drop, twist or even flip upside down in your pocket. There are spare mag holders out there, but most rely on a belt mounted magazine pouch that is almost as obvious as open carrying the whole setup would be.

NeoMag, an American made product, is an ingenious little pocket clip/magnet combo that looks to hold your spare magazine securely and more discreetly than a belt mounted pouch. A steel bracket with titanium clip and neodymium magnet, the NeoMag certainly looks like a durable, low-profile accessory.

My test subject came in a medium. Should be good for all single and double stack mags in 9mm and .40 SW, save for Wilson Combat mags which run a bit wider. The magnet is strong enough to keep a loaded 17rd Glock magazine in, despite me holding the whole package horizontally. The titanium clip is a bit tough to get onto your pocket, though the better it should stay put in your pocket. So far over a couple dozen magazine draws, this has performed well. I did have one instance where the NeoMag came out still attached to the spare magazine, but I was able to peel it off while inserting the mag into the G17’s magwell. Getting to the 17 round bullet box in pants with smaller pockets wasn’t tough. Even wearing the NeoMag around for a couple of hours while standing, sitting and kneeling wasn’t enough to dislodge my spare canister of bullets. So far, so good.

As usual for this kind of gear, my initial testing only included product inspection, dry fire work and impromptu drills. After SHOT show, I’ll have a long-range day to really put this to work. The NeoMag in all sizes run $44.99.
Stay tuned..