Hey everyone, I wanted to take a break from the tips and include a review of my favorite Plate Carrier (PC.)
I have been wearing this plate carrier for the last 3 years, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations in several key areas. First and foremost, the construction of this plate carrier is outstanding. The materials used are tough and durable, making it resistant to wear and tear during intense training sessions or in outdoorenvironments. The stitching is strong, with no loose threads or signs of deterioration, which provides peace of mind when you need reliable gear.
Comfort is another essential factor, and this plate carrier delivers. It is a minimalist pc, so there is no extra material to worry about. Adjustable straps allow for a customized fit, ensuring that the carrier stays securely in place without shifting around as you move. The overall design distributes weight evenly, reducing strain on your body.
One of the standout features is the modular capability of the carrier. With multiple attachment points and compatible MOLLE webbing, you can easily customize it to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re setting up for reconnaissance missions, regular patrols, or its intended purpose: VBSS/maritime missions; the versatility of this plate carrier allows for seamless personalization.
In terms of protection, this plate carrier only accommodates enough space for the size plate that you use. This means if you wear medium plates, order a medium. It also does not offer a space inside the plate area for soft armor. There are options for attaching soft armor, but it is not organic to this.
The aesthetic appeal should also not be overlooked. The plate carrier comes in various colors and camouflage patterns, catering to different preferences and operational requirements. This versatility means you can choose one that suits your style, all while ensuring it blends in with your environment.
Now I want to get into my more personal pieces about this. I chose this pc firstly because I was looking for a minimalist carrier and this is almost as minimal as you can get.
The lightweight material is my favorite part of it. It is so light that it weighs relatively only as much as your plates and the gear you put onto it. The downside of this is it takes some adjusting to the feel of it since there is little material from feeling the plates.
Overall, it is still very much comfortable though. Another underrated feature is the width. Since it is only the size of your plate it allows you to shoulder a weapon a lot easier than many other plate carriers. This became increasingly more important in the Marine Corps when we switched to the M27. The stock is much thicker than the traditional M4 and with issued pc’s the material gets in the way a lot.
Another very big perk is the fact that it is yours. What I mean by this is you do not need to worry about needing it to be back in perfect condition when you go to turn it back in to your gear issuing facility. This allows you to modify as much as you want. The Marine Corps finally started putting more focus into concealment over strictly all looking the same. I include this because you can spray paint, cami paint, or generally just discolor the carrier to have more effective concealment.
Obviously you can go the other route like I did and just put other materials on it. This is very important because in reality there is no true purpose in wearing a camouflage uniform if you just have a big tan rectangle covering your torso. I always try to match my concealment materials not just to the environment but also coloring to my uniform whether that is desert or woodland.
In conclusion, this plate carrier combines durability, comfort, and versatility, making it an excellent choice for anyone in need of reliable tactical gear. Whether you’re a professional or an enthusiast, investing in a quality plate carrier like this one is sure to enhance your experience, providing both protection and ease of use. On a number scale I would give this a 9.5/10. 0.5 off just for the shoulder straps not being very. comfortable. That can easily be fixed with shoulder pads though. It gives me everything I look for in a carrier and allows me to effectively do my job. Highly recommended!
If you enjoy this review, I have a website where I have my own reviews as well. It is a business school project and I would appreciate if you checked it out, and let me know what you think.
Crye JPC 2.0 Maritime