Recently I posted about the possibility of edged weapons attacks and hard skills. For those of us who work in the security field we like to have the best gear available. I work some jobs in low-income areas where the criminal element is less concerned about the name on their latest purchase just in the […]
Watch: NeoMag Ambassador Shawn Lingofelter
NeoMag will be introducing you to some of their NeoMag Ambassadors over the next few weeks. First is our friend Shawn Lingofelter. Shawn is a 15 year law enforcement veteran and lead instructor at Sierra Training Group out of Columbus Ohio. Take a moment to hear what he has to say about the NeoMag and […]
CAI Stealth Building Entry Course Review
As part of pre-deployment training, I had the chance to attend the Stealth Building Entry Course run by George Carey of Carey and Associates International. George Carey has 34 years of law enforcement experience and 25 years of tactical experience. He has worked with a number of government agencies over the years and is widely […]
10 Concealed Carry Tips for Beginners
Courtesy of Nick Koumalatsos Instead of making you learn by trial and error, I’ve compiled a list of 10 Concealed Carry Tips with so you don’t have to find out the hard way. Most of the mistakes I’ve listed are made by those still new to carrying concealed, but even those with years of experience can be […]
Put your phone down | Situational Awareness
Put your phone down and increase your situational awareness. Constant situational awareness is an exhausting habit but very necessary none the less. In the recent years, as everyone else, I have seen a rise in targeted violence against our law enforcement officers and even randomly targeted Individuals. It truly breaks my heart when I hear […]
Watch: Fighting From Your Vehicle
Watch as John ‘Shrek’ McPhee explains how to position your firearms within a vehicle and employ them when needed. He then covers when and how to bail out of your vehicle if you need to break contact to seek better cover. He offers accurate real work experience from his deployments in both Iraq and A-Stan […]
Urban Camouflage as a Traveler
Urban camouflage isn’t about blending into the physical city around you but to appear as if you’re from and belong there like a local. In the wilderness and combat, camouflage (crypsis) is used to be visually concealed by matching the patterns of the immediate background. For urban camouflage as a foreigner, mimesis is the way. […]
Things to consider when carrying a knife for self defense
Things you’ll want to consider if you are carrying a knife intended to be used as a weapon: -How quick can you get the knife open and in your hand? -Can you open the knife with one hand? -Can you reach the knife with either hand? -Can you deploy the knife if someone grabs you […]
Watch: Keeping the Drive Alive with Pat McNamara
We’ve all heard the name Pat McNamara. The dude is a straight up bad ass for good reason. By the age of 22 he had achieved two Army Special Forces MOS’s, a Combat Diver certification and certified in Military Freefall. With that training he was assigned first to what is referred to as a ‘white’ […]
Be Prepared in the Absence of a Firearm
Firearms have a narrow bandwidth of problems for which they are the best, or only solution. Most people work in places where at least policy, if not law, dictates that weapons are not allowed. Our willingness to abide such policies should follow a fairly personal assessment of risk tolerance. In certain cases it may be […]