The Air Force is looking for a new Guardian Angel Air-Deployable Rescue Vehicle for the Guardian Angle Weapon System (GAWS is made up of the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), Pararescue (PJ), and SERE careerfields). The proposed vehicle, which will replace among other things the ATVs AFSOC PJs and other personnel are currently using, must be able to carry rescue equipment to remote sites and exfitrate the rescue element over hostile terrain (it must obviously be air-droppable too). The requirements, according to the solicitation, include features that allow for GPMG and LMGs for defense and a minimum payload of two tons.
Guardian Angle is part of the Battlefield Airmen Modernization Program intended to conduct AF CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) and Personnel Recovery (PR) “across the full spectrum of military operations”.
Read the complete story of the GAARV pre-solicitation, follow for updates on SOFREP or on Facebook.

(featured image credit: Soldier Systems)