The ability to carry concealed easily and comfortably requires a good base; whether it’s inside the waistband or outside the waistband. What I mean by that is spend the money once and get a good belt and then pair that with a quality holster to support both your firearm and spare ammunition. In order to not look ‘super tactical’ while walking down the street I chose to go with a good leather 1.5″ wide belt. By going with the 1.5″ width you’ll be able to accommodate most all belt loops out there – I wear jeans more often than not and a 1.5″ belt works great. The leather material with give the appearance of a ‘normal’ belt and not say ‘hey I have a loaded gun under my shirt‘. High Threat Concealment has engineered a system that addresses those very issues. The way they design and build their holsters allows them to stay rigid on your belt and suck in close to the body reducing the signature of a weapon.
I recently purchased an outside the waistband holster for my Glock 17 and a dual mag pouch from High Threat Concealment since my recent transition to outside the waistband carry. I decided to move to an OWB carry for a few reasons. First, I wanted to have faster and smoother access to my sidearm, and also have the ability to re-holster a little quicker; especially going into the fall and winter months when I’m layering clothing. Second, with a full size gun, my concealed carry with an outside the waistband holster is able to distribute the weight more evenly. With a standard untucked flannel shirt, regular fit shirts, or jackets, I’m able to confidently conceal my full size Glock 17 and two spare magazines without any printing. High Threat Concealment also offers inside the waistband loops allowing you to convert your holster from an outside carry to a more discrete inside the waistband carry. After I’ve carried with this system over the next several months I’ll come back and give a more detailed review.
(Featured image courtesy of