I am a fan of using competition to train for self defense. There is no better way to produce stress in training and evaluate your skills against other trained shooters. Team USA Olympian Sarah Beard shares her shot process and gives tips on how to shoot in high pressure situations. Photo courtesy of Newsday.com
The AK47 Shopping Guide: How to get a deal before the Apocalypse
Are you ready for Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States ? Millions of legal gun owners as well as myself are horrified by that very thought. The looming prospect of this happening is real, that being said if you are in the market for a military style sporting rifle like the AK47 […]
Watch Worlds Collide: Speed or Accuracy
It doesn’t matter what platform, caliber, model or brand you’re using – the same question is always top of mind for any shooter: “What’s more important – speed or accuracy?” https://youtu.be/ANhxUBAjAQA?list=PLTA5eZBBe1pUdhXtgolQV-5xkJ7TN5aHK
Ever Buy or Sell Guns? Like Guns?- You Need the Firearms Guide 8th Edition
The newest Firearms Guide, the 8th Edition (August 2017) is now available. If you buy, sell or just like guns, you need the Firearms Guide. The Firearms Guide is the world largest fully search able guns & ammo reference guide, gun values guide and gun schematics & blueprints library. The 8th Edition has: 67,000 guns […]
Taylor 9mm 1911 Compact Review – A Classic CCW
1911s are fun guns, and that is usually how I see them. The design is over a hundred years old so I place it with the Colt SAA, and the Remington 1858. Meaning old guns that are fun to shoot, but not my choice for concealed carry. I don’t mean to ruffle feathers but the […]
First Look: Heritage Arms Inc. “American” AR15
I’m just back from my local gun dealer and in my in hands I hold an exclusive early production copy of Heritage Arms Inc’s new AR15 rifle dubbed “The American”. As far as I am aware we here at The Arms Guide are one of the first media outlets to get to put our hands […]
Inside the Waistband Low Profile Holster: CZ-USA P-10 C
Is the CZ P-10 C better than the Glock 19? Did CZ improve on perfection? We will leave that up to you to decide! Laying the argument aside, the P-10 C is the newcomer in the polymer striker fired pistols division. It’s taken a while for the P-10 C to come to market, but for […]
Caldwell® Pic Rail XLA: Bipod Stable, Throw Lever Quick
Caldwell® Pic Rail XLA Bipods provide a stable shooting platform that attaches directly to any standard Picatinny Rail forearm. .The integrated 1.5 inch long throw lever clamp fastens directly to a firearm’s rail. XLA Bipods adjustable cam lever lock allow for rapid deployment, and adjustable leg height lets you assume that perfect position for your […]
Best Survival Gun: .22 LR or Shotgun?
What if you were the victim of a car breakdown, a wrong turn while hiking or tracking an animal, or found yourself up a creek without a paddle? Two of the most popular platforms for surviving in the wild is the .22 LR rifle and the shotgun. Each have their merits and demerits, but many tout the shotgun […]
.308 AR Carbine Problems Solved: POF USA Anti-Tilt (7-Position) Buffer Tube
POF has come out with a Anti-tilt Buffer Tube which solves many of the problems associated with carbine style .308 ARs. The 7-position buffer tube allows the standard AR15/M16 carbine buffer to be used along with a rifle length 308 buffer spring, which gives you a much better selection of buffers and allows you to […]