Recently I had been thinking about getting a slingshot. I wanted something quiet I could hit a bird, or small game with. I thought it would be fun to take shots at small game while sitting in a blind, without disturbing the big game I was hunting. Not surprisingly, a lot of childhood memories started to roll in. I was pretty good with the slingshot I had as a kid (that’s how I remember it anyway). After doing some searching I came across a product called The Pocket Shot.
The Pocket Shot is a new type of slingshot. The biggest change is the shape. Instead of a stick, you have a ring base constructed of fiber reinforced composite. You hold this ring in your non-shooting hand (the hand that isn’t pulling back). Instead of surgical-type tubing attached to a small piece of leather, The Pocket Shot uses what they call a pouch. As you can tell, this is extremely hard to describe, so take a look at the picture below.

The size is what stood out to me first. This would be perfect for any hunter, survivalist, or a must have for a go bag. SHTF? This would allow you to hunt quietly, and save your ammo for a more threatening situation. Not sold yet? They also have a whisker biscuit attachment which allows you to shoot an arrow (they are also developing an arrow pouch). This would allow you to shoot 5/16, 1/4 steel slingshot ammo, and actual arrows. This product is also made in America.
For $25 I plan on giving this a try. It is small enough to fit in a cargo pocket, or EDC pack. It also doubles as a storage container for your ammo (obviously not the arrows). With faster reloads than a standard slingshot, and a 350 fps capability I am not sure I can go wrong here. Here is one more video. Enjoy.
Want more information about The Pocket Shot? Visit their webpage here.
(Featured image courtesy of