If you’re a regular reader of Loadout Room, you may have seen a few articles I’ve posted over the last year detailing the building, then improvement of an off-the-shelf AR-15 that was as light as I could make it while staying within certain constraints. I wanted a rifle that was under 6 pounds, with the […]
loadout room
Tekkima Trek Pullover | Casual warmth when you need it
Living in a northern climate, the winters can be a bit much. Because of this, my closet is full of warm clothes. Four to five months with snow on the ground tends to wear on you over time. But with an active family and 2 teenage boys, we continue to soldier on regardless of what […]
Watch: Getting Pulled Over with a Gun in the Car
“I have been getting a lot of questions about how I carry my handgun when I am on the road. I use a steering column holster for easy access to my firearm. It gives me a convenient and secure place to put my pistol, And it’ll give you the ability to draw it quickly in […]
Loadout Room photo of the day: Multinational Recon Marines hone live-fire skills
LOTAWIN, THAILAND Royal Thai Marine Sub Lt. Wichain Praphiphong demonstrates the proper use of the HK-G36C rifle while at a live-fire drill at Lotawin, Kingdom of Thailand Feb. 20 during Exercise Cobra Gold 2014. Working together and conducting joint and multinational training is vital to maintaining the readiness and interoperability of the Thai, U.S. and […]
The FNX-45 Tactical Pistol: Born and bred for battle
Was asked recently to give my opinion on the FNX-45 Tactical so I have compiled a few of my thoughts and thought that I would share them with the community. When I first picked up the weapon, my first thought was, “Wow, this is really lightweight!” You can never go wrong with a lightweight pistol, […]
SpyderCo Assist: Rescue Knife Review
The SpyderCo Assist rescue knife blasts through glass and slices with ease. This is the safest and most effective rescue knife we’ve ever used.
Watch: Running for the Lows
A short film that explains the value of an activity, such as running, that is not only healthy physically, but enables reflection for the war fighter.
Loadout Room photo of the day: Echo 2/9 Marines hone skills on Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
CAMP BASTION, AFGHANISTAN U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Patrick Murphy with Echo company, 2nd Battalion 9th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 7 (RCT) 7, makes last minute adjustment to his gear prior to conducting a training exercise on Camp Bastion, Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 03, 2013. Patrick alongside the Marines and Sailors of Echo company conducted […]
Prepping 101: The Gun Question
The gun question: does a prepper need a gun? And if they do, what kind should they buy? I’ve been asked this more times than I care to count. The responses to this question are as varied as the people answering it. Camp AR15 versus camp AK47, team semi-auto against team revolver. In my opinion, it isn’t as simple as what kind […]
SOG Vulcan Folder: Built upon the M61 Vulcan’s reputation of speed, power and versatility
Few knives impress me, most that do are fixed blade knives because they have proven time and time again that they won’t break and are always there when I need them. My work as a Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Specialist in the USAF has led me to many interesting situations. For many of these […]