A high-quality bag can easily serve a number of purposes in today’s hectic world. There are some people that use them to carry their daily essentials to and from work. Others choose them to store survival equipment for emergencies, such as those you find in a bug-out bag. If you’re like me, then you probably have one for each “role” that you see fit, with enough bags to put your wife’s collection to shame.
The folks at T3 Gear have come up with a very strong and compact bag designed to carry your tools. The type of tools you choose depends on you and your specific needs, but I can highlight 3 areas that I have found the Tool Bag to work best for me.
With one large main and two smaller side compartments, the Tool Bag is great for carrying the stuff you might need to make common repairs on your vehicle. It’s small and rugged enough to store under your seat or even in a glove box. Since it’s made of 500D Cordura fabric, it will stand up to any abuse you put it through.
You can also use the Tool Bag to carry the tools you need to keep your primary and secondary weapon in the fight. A small cleaning kit would easily fit into the Tool Bag as well as extra brushes, swabs, bolts, springs etc. Anything you would normally keep to supplement your weapon system can be kept in one convenient location, which can, in turn, be stored in the bottom of an assault pack.

If you’re a traveler, then the Tool Bag is a great product for carrying toiletries and other small grooming items. Pack it with your shave kit, toothbrush, and whatever else you may use to stay looking good and clean. It’s small enough and has a nylon handle that you can take it anywhere on the go if need be.
For such a simple piece of gear, the quality is what you would expect for something much more expensive. The minimal, but strategic use of binding tape in all the right places really make this bag a rugged piece of equipment that will last for a long time. At 5 x 10 x 12″ and only 12 ounces, you’ll forget you even have this thing in your lineup. It’s available in Black, Coyote, OD, Multicam, Desert Digital, and ABU Tiger Stripe. It features a lifetime warranty and is made in the United States of America. Pick yours up today from T3 Gear for $82.
Author- Rodney Pointer is a former Army Infantryman. After graduating from Airborne School, he was ruthlessly assigned to Fort Polk, Louisiana to live out his days as a dirty leg. He served with the 2nd BN, 30th Infantry of the 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division. Following his deployment to Afghanistan, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Intelligence Operations. He currently works as a nuclear security contractor.