Summer is here! Well kind of, at least in Florida it reached 99 degrees in the beginning of May. It is the perfect weather for swimming, grilling, shooting guns and sipping beers. However, once we get passed summer fun and into acting and looking like an adult we have to consider how we dress. I’m a big guy and I’m pretty much always hot, so I like lightweight clothes. The EdgeTec pants from Propper seem to be my answer in the quest for staying cool and dressing light.
When I first received the EdgeTec pants from proper I was shocked at how light they were. They are much lighter than even my thinnest khakis. They felt more akin to comfortable pajama pants than actual pants. Upon donning them I was again very surprised. They breathe and move with ease and are ridiculously comfortable. These are the Slick variants, but a variant with cargo pockets also exists. They do feature a five pocket design, and the cargo variant is 7 pockets. They come in Black LAPD Blue, Khaki, and Ranger Green.

The EdgeTec Value
These pants and the EdgeTec line is designed to encompass the Propper brand without breaking the bank. These are a value line but are still packed with Propper quality. These pants are simple, they lack any modern spandex injection, or any crazy features like pockets for knee pads. They are simple, but tough and durable pants.

As I mentioned they are incredibly light and this makes them very comfortable, especially with the atrocious summer weather Floridians face. The move as you move and never restrict or compromise your range of movement.
Also, when it comes to concealed carry, these pants will hide a gun without issue. I was at first curious to how they would perform with IWB carry considering how thin they are. I was surprised. With your average small gun, they are still invisible. I packed on a full sized Polymer 80 Glock with a Streamlight TLR 1 in a Crossbreed holster and it was still well concealed and easy to carry.
The band around the EdgeTec pants is strong and it does give you extra wide belt loops that help supports a rugged and strong belt. I like to wear the Propper Carbon carry belt, which is thick and strong and benefits greatly from the thick belt loops of the EdgeTec pants.

The pockets are all reinforced around the edges to allow you to carry a knife, flashlight, or even a Snag Mag without damaging the thin material of the pants. The pocks are slant cut which makes them easier to access than jean style pockets. The pockets are a little shallow, but no major complaints. The slick pants do not give off a heavy tactical vibe, which I like.