Minor inclement weather should never deter your adventuring. Let nature thin out the crowds and enjoy a little more peace of mind. Winter conditions call for additional gear to accommodate for increased hazards, but you can still hit your favorite trails as long as they don’t get too extreme. A piece of equipment that sometimes gets overlooked is a quality pair of gaiters. No matter what kind of waterproof pants or boots you wear, snow and water can soak their way into your boots, especially when you find yourself somewhere with heavy snowfall. If you are in the market for a pair of gaiters that actually perform well, the Hillsound Armadillo LT Gaiters might entice you.
Weight: 259g (XS); 270g (S); 300g (M); 315g (L); 324g (XL)
Waterproof to 20,000mm
Breathability rating: 6RET, 15.000 + g
YKK zipper brings the gaiter close to the leg
DWR coating will remain intact for up to 50 washes
Specifications courtesy of Hillsound Equipment
My thoughts and review
Gaiters aren’t just designed to be used in the snow, but it is where they are most practical. A good pair of gaiters should not only keep debris and moisture out, but they should also be comfortable, breathable, and durable. The Hillsound Armadillo LT Gaiters fit that bill so far. Despite these gaiters being the lower-end model offered by Hillsound, I am impressed with my early use, and it leads me to believe the Super Armadillo and Super Armadillo Nano models are just as impressive.
Fabric construction
The upper half of the Armadillo LT Gaiters feature a three-layer Flexia fabric. The Flexia fabric is designed to be breathable and treated to be waterproof; it offers a light elasticity which along with an adjustable strap provides a snug fit around your calf. The lower half of the gaiters are a 1000D nylon which makes these gaiters highly resistant to any abrasion. These gaiters are made to withstand any weather and environment.

Comfort and fit
The Armadillo LT Gaiters fit comfortably snug like a pair of knee-high socks or calf sleeves. The Flexia fabric isn’t so tight that it becomes uncomfortable or cuts off circulation, but it also isn’t too loose that it will eventually start sliding down. I never had to adjust these gaiters on a hike nor did they ever become bothersome. If I were nitpicking, I would say that its breathability could use improvement, but I wouldn’t illustrate it to such an extent that I would consider it a con.

The verdict
The good
-Comfortable and secure fit
The bad
-The bottom of the gaiters flare a little wide depending on your footwear
I am disappointed to report that our local mountains have been unusually dry this winter, so I haven’t been able to put these gaiters through as much abuse as I would have liked, but have used them enough to testify its performance. Hillsound brings out the best in a simple piece of gear. I plan on providing an updated review of these gaiters along with their Trail Crampon Ultras by the end of the season after extensive use, but I have yet to have any reservations regarding their performance. The Hillsound Armadillo LT Gaiters currently run for an MSRP of $49, a fair price for a pair of gaiters that can keep up with your adventuring.
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