As I continue to build my SR 762 from Ruger (.308) I decided to acquire a chest rig (see the first article in the build series here). I have a plate carrier already (which this rig can attach to), but I wanted something lightweight I could use while hunting with this platform (WA a .308 is good for all big game). After talking to some buddies, stopping at stores, and doing some research I ended up going with the Disruptive Environments 762 Heavy Chest Rig (D3CR-H). This isn’t the first time you will hear the name Haley Strategic at the Loadout Room, and it wont be the last (check out the D3CR here).
The Disruptive Environments 7.62 Heavy Chest Rig is designed to be worn stand-alone, or attached to a plate carrier. As I mentioned, I wanted this rig for its stand-alone setup. When used as a stand-alone this rig is extremely low-profile, and lightweight. The kit is a simple design: 4 x .308 pouches, 2 x multi-mission pouches, 2 x utility pouched, mounted on an H-harness with quick-releases for easy of use.

Haley Strategic states, “The rig intentionally does not include a radio or dedicated full size medical pouch so no matter the posture, essentials such as communications and medical kits can remain on the end user at all times. The D3CR™ Heavy is also compatible with the Haley Strategic D3 Expansion System allowing the end user to add features including the holster wedge or multi-mission hanger pouch” (
When this rig arrived I was surprised at just how small it was, I actually thought they may have sent me the wrong one. The rig (not including the H-harness), is 13” W x 6” H (approximately), and weighed in at 1.2lbs (with H-Harness). I actually grabbed my .308 mags (Gen3 P Mag 20rds) and stuffed them in the pouches to make sure an error hadn’t been made, it hadn’t.

Despite its small size this rig offers users many setup choices without modification. As mentioned there are two multi-mission pouches. Haley Strategic explains, “The Multi-Mission Pouches accept 1911, Glock, Sig, M&P, XD and other standard double or single stack pistol magazines, as well as many handheld lights and multi-tools” (

In addition to these two pouches, the two utility pouches are what I found the most helpful. The larger of the two has a built-in map pouch with retention bands, perfect for GPS, phone, range finder, or any other hand-held tool you may be using. The smaller utility pouch is where I have decided to keep a small first-aid kit. I plan on unpacking the North American Rescue Belt Trauma kit and loading it into this pouch (CAT-7 will be elsewhere).

At 6’2” and 200lbs I was easily able to adjust this to fit over either a T-shirt, or heavy coat. One of the drawbacks was the color section. As it currently stands the only pattern I could find was Multi-Cam (I like this pattern). The other draw back is this rig’s .308 capacity. If you are looking for something to hold more than four .308 mags then you need to move on. This kit retails at $185, making it just expensive enough where you should be sure you want it before purchasing it. If you are already using the Haley Strategic systems this is a perfect addition (if you have a .308).

Most of the stitching is at least 10 loops per inch and in most places is double, or triple stitched for added strength. So far I am happy with this rig. I plan on chasing around bears with it this year. If I run into any issues with this rig, I’ll be sure to do a follow-up article.
Have any questions about this rig? Have a .308 rig you prefer over this one? Let me know about it in the comment section below.