Lately, the market has exploded with compact, lightweight (polymer) pistol options. Considering that this reviewer has a small frame, some of these highly concealable handguns have more appeal than others. With this in mind, some range time was in order to compare three of the most popular polymer framed 9mm pistols in the CCW field: […]
The 1911 Part 1: The Basics
So, you read my thoughts on the 1911, and you know that this pistol can be a serious contender, but the gun takes some knowledge and work. To recap, in the words of Larry Vickers: if you treat your gun like you treat your lawn mower, then you probably should stick with a Glock, HK, […]
Product review: SIRT Training Pistol
The single most important factor in precision shooting is consistency. The best way to develop consistency is repetition. If you don’t own an indoor range or live in the desert, how are you going to get your repetition? How can you shoot every day? The answer is the Next Level Training Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger […]
FNH Five Seven: Specs & Ballistics
What can I say? Sometimes I wish I didn’t live in CA….. Off the FN website. The FN Five-seveN® single-action autoloading pistol fires the low-recoil 5.7x28mm cartridge making it ideal for personal protection, target shooting or NRA Tactical Police Competition. It features a textured, ergonomic polymer frame with checkered panels for enhanced grip. The polymer […]
The Glock 34 Revisted
Well, I’m still waiting to pick up my G19 (my TS clearance was easier than buying a gun in CA) so had to shoot my friend Mark’s G34. This is a beautiful gun. I thought you guys would appreciate a little range time action…. Brandon %EMBED3%
FNH FNS-9 Striker-Fired Pistol
This is a great informative video on the FNS-9 pistol. -Jack ‘%EMBED1%’