Ranger Proof is a bold statement. It’s even more bold to name a company Ranger Proof. The company has set some high standards for itself as one should expect with such a name, “Our mission is simple. We will provide the absolute best gear, made with the best components at the most fair price we […]
Testing the automatic Glock 18 for the CIA
The Glock has long been a favorite pistol brand of mine. I carried the Glock 17 and 19 in the CIA. While I was in South America, the agency asked me to test fire the Glock 18 to determine its suitability for our operating environment. For those who don’t know, the Glock 18 and Glock 17 […]
Bersa: Over One Million Strong
With over one million Bersa handguns sold in the United States we decided it was time to take a look at their classic, the Thunder 380. Bersa: Over One Million Strong. Weighing-in at just 20oz and with styling similar to James Bond’s iconic Walther, it’s easy to see why the Thunder 380 is a popular […]
Glock 27: A solid choice for concealed-carry
I really do hate .40S&W; it’s really snappy and torques the wrist, doesn’t really do anything ballistics wise that a 9mm can’t, and it’s prone to malfunctions, primarily in Glocks. The pistol, however, I love. It’s a great little package that is an incredible everyday carry gun, I should’ve gotten the G26 but this one […]
Custom 1911 Grips from AlumaGrips
AlumaGrips has been my recent source for great great grips. Earlier we showed you a basic set of 1911 grips in this article. When AlumaGrips added options for America’s rifle, the AR-15 I grabbed a set for my Freedom Ordnance FX-9 Pistol as seen here. What I hadn’t yet experienced was their custom-order process. A […]
Remington’s R51 Is It all True?
When the Remington R51 was re-released I was excited. An American company producing a pistol with a different action than the standard browning locking action. Call me a gun nerd, but that sort of stuff excites me. The gun magazines all had rave reviews until it was made public that either money had changed hands […]
Glock Magwell by SLR Rifleworks
Once upon a time magwells were only found on 1911’s or other highly tuned competition pistols. Those days are long past and now accessories once thought to only exist on race guns are making their way onto peoples favorite range toy or every day carry weapons. I haven’t been oblivious to the trends of the […]
Customizing the Browning Hi Power
Want an interesting gun that has some history behind it? Check around for a used Browning Hi Power. With a few upgrades, you can make it a sweet shooter.
.40 S&W Cartridge: Ideal Cartridge for Personal Defense?
The .40 S&W cartridge has been called the “ideal cartridge for personal defense and law enforcement.” The .40 S&W was specifically developed to duplicate performance of the FBI’s reduced-velocity 10mm cartridge and fit into medium-frame (9mm size) automatic handguns. It debuted January 17, 1990, along with the new Smith and Wesson 4006 pistol. Ironically, the […]
The Sig 320 and the M-17: The Tests Continue and the Sig Keeps Passing
The Sig 320 is the most tested and selected handgun in the 21st Century. The advanced modular design won the Army’s Modular Handgun competition and became the M-17 and M-18. After extensive testing involving over one million rounds, the Sig 320 was selected as the new Immigration and Customs Enforcement duty handgun. Recent internet tales […]