SOG has recently released a new line of multi-tool products known as Batons. Being a long-time fan of SOG and their knives, I was very eager to give the Baton Q3 an in-depth look to see how it holds up against my small arsenal of multi-tools. First, we need to talk about what the Baton […]
Knives & Tools
Just How Bad is Budget Blade Steel?
Pete of the Cedric & Ada YouTube channel uses an established, repeatable method to measure edge retention. To date, he has put more than 40 steels to the test on his channel – everything from high-end powder metallurgy steels to butter knife blade steel. We reached out to Pete for his assessment of how budget blade steel […]
The Conquest Tactical Fury – It’s for stabbing people
It brings my heart joy to see the rise in automatic knives. Major companies like Hogue are producing a wide variety of Auto Knives, the Infidel by Benchmade is a household name if you like knives, and we are seeing changes to knife legislation throughout the USA. It’s not always the big names who create […]
Author Tackles 63 Survival Tasks Using Swiss Army Knife
Who would think that a Swiss Army knife (SAK) could make an ideal survival tool? Victorinox aficionado and knife safety educator Felix Immler proved its mettle after spending three months building a campsite with just a SAK at his side. He documented the experience in The Swiss Army Knife Book, recently released in English. Over the course of his expedition, Immler […]
Spyderco Knives P’kal and Training Blade
Spyderco produces an array of knives for just about every occasion. There is your smaller EDC folding knife that is pretty common among first responders and Military, to even your larger fixed blades that Spyderco enthusiasts love to carry. Personally, I think Spyderco has found their niche with the smaller EDC folding knives. One knife […]
KA-BAR Hell Fire Knife
KA-BAR has been making knives for over a hundred years so they know the art better than most. I’ve used their original but modified ‘TDI‘ and also have their ‘USMC KA-BAR‘ solely as a collector’s item. It wasn’t until earlier this year when the ‘Hell Fire’ and ‘Hinderance’was announced that I finally saw potential in […]
Half Face Blades Face Plug | Small, concealable and lethal
Half Face Blades is known for making some of the most bad-ass edged weapons. They not only are a work of art, but have practicality and lethal intent built into them. I personally own 3 knives from Half Face Blades and every time I go to use them one word comes to my mind; Savage. […]
Eyes On El Chete – No Wood Is Safe!
Courtesy of Breach Bang Clear Eyes On El Chete – No Wood Is Safe! An Initial Look at the TOPS Knives El Chete Ryan Houtekamer The line between choppers, meat cleavers and machetes has been blurred before; now it’s happened again, and we like it. A TOPS Knives El Chete recently arrive at Breach-Bang-Clear’s sincerely polite and waffle-loving […]
Gareth Bull to Deploy His Smallest Front Flipper Ever
South African knife maker Gareth Bull continues to expand his menu of diminutive knives, following up the Offshoot fixed blade with the Jellybean. The new model will be the smallest, least expensive folding knife he’s ever made and may take the crown for the tiniest front flipper ever. The Jellybean comes in two configurations, the first with a 2.2-inch […]
MNKF: Emerson’s Purpose Driven Knife, the Rhino
(Article originally published on Breach Bang Clear) Monday Night Knife Fights: Emerson’s Purpose Driven Knife, the Rhino Mike the Mook After building a number of custom tactical knives for the US Navy SEAL teams in the 1980s and 1990s, the Department of the Navy turned to Ernest Emerson to develop a specific knife for what […]