Pictured above is some NOD’s training in Virginia. We were working with those that “don’t exist” in pitch black darkness, 35-degree weather, all wet and all cold. If you want to be the best, train in the worst conditions so that you’re the best in the best conditions and in the worst.
Training in the dark
Training with Night Vision Goggles or Night Optic Devices is really where you find out just how good of a shooter you are. Me personally? I’m all about being the best at anything and everything. The transition from day to night is a massive transition that all starts in dry fire practice in a shoot house. You have to know what to look for, how to set up your optics (I have been using the Vortex UH-1 Huey) on your weapons platform and determine a comfortable angle for your NOD’s. I keep my NOD’s a little higher so I can look down and shoot or look up and see everything.
I prefer White Phosphor night vision devices. White Phosphor looks more clear than traditional green and in all honesty, it keeps me awake on those late night missions more so than the green. Having a PEQ makes CQC life a lot better, although I don’t recommend running the IR Light or even a laser constantly. If your enemy has NOD’s, he’s going to spot you and your mission will be compromised.
I personally wear the clear Gatorz with my NOD’s. I like how they don’t reflect the glare off of the NVG’s. They are one of the only pairs of glasses that I have tried that have been able to do that. Another aspect with NOD’s is to always practice reloads. Do them with your eyes closed, because that’s basically a NOD’s M4 or pistol reload.