I’ll be honest, I’ve grown tired of investing any more into a pair of sunglasses than I absolutely have to. Over the past five years I have settled for whatever the crumpled ten dollar bill in my left pant pocket will get me, mid road trip, at the roadside gas station. I was handed a pair of Kaenon Arlo sunglasses with the mission of finding out if they are “Ranger-proof.”
I understand that fit can be very individual with a pair of sunglasses. The Kaenon Arlos are, without question, the best fitting glasses I have ever worn. Beyond that, the clarity provided by the SR91 polarized lenses is razor sharp. All of that is fine and good, but how do they hold up to an extremely active lifestyle?
I wore them paddle boarding outside of La Paz Mexico and did everything I could to get them to come off. Backflips, handstands, you name it. The Kaenon Arlos stayed glued to my face, all the while providing superior, wrap around coverage.
After roughly an hour on the water, one of my friends accidentally dropped their expensive sun glasses in the water. The midday sun reflecting off of the sea surface would have made it impossible to see the bottom, eight feet below. The lenses of the Kaenon Arlos, however, acted almost like a X-ray glasses, allowing me to see those depth with clarity. After a few minutes of searching we were able to recover the otherwise doomed shades.
I plan on continuing to test the toughness of these shades with confidence, knowing that they come with a one year manufacture warranty and a lifetime warranty on the lenses. I am interested to see if they can survive the drive to South America. One thing I do know is, they will be a stylish addition to my flip flop- and board short-dominated wardrobe from now on.

The Kaenon Arlo retail for $204 and can be purchased directly here or on amazon.com at a great price.