One April Fools’ prankster found herself in serious trouble after her ill-conceived prank against her daughter went awry.
According to a news report, Angela Timmons worked on a college campus in South Carolina. She and her daughter have a long standing tradition of catching each other with fun pranks each year. This year, Timmons devised what she thought to be a surefire prank win; she texted her daughter in New York, telling her that their was a gunman loose on the campus where Timmons worked. In a panic, her daughter called 911 and the cops rushed over to the school in South Carolina, only to find nothing wrong.
In the current media climate, with the tragedy of Sandy Hook still clear in everyone’s memories, Timmons’ prank apparently was not well received. After admitting the “practical joke” intent of her text, law enforcement was relieved, but not so relieved as to keep Timmons out of trouble. Angela was arrested and charged with aggravated breach of peace, disturbing a school, and two counts of unlawful use of a phone.
I hope everyone had a harmless, fun holiday, free of the legal dangers of poorly considered pranks. Happy April 1st from The Arms Guide.