I work with guns, so I keep ammo around. I was in the Army, so I became accustomed to sturdy waterproof steel containers for ammo. I am organized but not neat. The worst thing in the world is to have ammo cans filled with unknown contents and have to open a dozen cans to find your needed thing. This could be your last mistake in the Zombie apocalypse.
My ammo storage looked like this:
I tried Duct tape. I tried masking tape. I tried stickers. I finally ended up with black marker. The markers are hard to read in low light, fade over time and if you change contents, you have to cross out or write over. Not terrible, but not permanent and not neat.
Then I found, AmmoCanMagnets.Com. They sell professionally digital printed vinyl magnets which stick to any side of any steel ammo can. U.S. Army ammo cans come in two basic sizes, generally called .50 cal and .30 cal even though they put many other calibers of ammo in those cans. In my picture, the big cans are .50 and the small are .30.
Now my cans look like this.
The clearly named ammocanmagnets come are sized to fit the handles of U.S. Army .50 cal and .30 cal ammo cans. These markers are a convenient way to mark your cans to determine what is inside with opening them. My ammo cans are now neat and organized.
The magnets, being magnetic, will stick to anything else made of ferrous metal (auto’s, refrigerators, etc.) and are great for personal ammunition storage, dealers or gun shows!
But what about plastic ammo cans? ammocanmagnets also makes ammocanstickers which stick to plastic ammo cans and anything else you can put ammo in.
I like the yellow font because it is easy to read. With almost six hundred and fifty Caliber, Font, Color and Size combinations in stock, if you can’t find what you want, you probably don’t need it. If you have special needs, custom designs are available on upon request.
.50cal size are 3.4″w x 1.9″h / .30 cal size are 1.9″w x 1.7″h.
Get your own ammo can magnets HERE. Shipping to US addresses is always FREE!