When it comes to belts I am not a fan of them, never have been, but I see the use for them in addition to a plate carrier. My main problem with belts have always been the fitting issues under heavy loads they just slip and slide around. I understand that they are a benefit in terms of protection, but as guys might have figured out I am low profile type of guy! With all that said let’s continue.
In addition to my Warrior Assault Systems plate carrier, I received a warrior Elite Ops Enhanced PLB Patrol Belt to accompany my upper half. Trying to find a belt that is comfy, practical and one that fits and holds well is hard and in the past I have had trouble with this. When the patrol belt arrived I was not expecting much from it. This is due to the past belts and webbing that I have had. Upon opening this for the first time I was impressed by its solid look. As with all the Warrior gear that I have it feels indestructible and tough as nails. The belt itself looks bulky, but this is due to the padding on the inside. The fact that you can also stuff the inside with Kevlar for extra protection adds to its bulk. When it comes to the center clip holding this belt in place, it’s not your standard clip; It as a three-point locking system. Unlike others I have used in the past, this locks into place and feels very secure. There is plenty of room on this belt to attach just about whatever you need by the way of a MOLLE system. Although I would not get carried away with placing too many items on the belt unless You attach a yoke to turn this into a British styled webbing or to make more secure under heavy loads. I tend to keep things light on my belt; 2-3 mags, 2 grenades and a dump pouch; that’s it. I would use a yoke if you plan on running a plate carrier on top, but if need to dump any weight it should be belt not the carrier.
Having not been a fan of belts I have enjoyed this for over the last few months, but will I stick with this for my future loadouts? Sadly no. My reason being I’m just not a fan of bulky belts. I will continue using a riggers belt for the forseeable future. Sure I will lose out on protection, but I just prefer a slim and low profile look. That’s not in any way to say this belt is poor; far from it. It will remain in my gear box and no doubt used now and then depending on the task at hand. I can say this has been the best belt I have had to date, but I would expect nothing less from Warrior Assault Systems. It’s tough as hell, defiantly made with comfort in mind and is versatile in how you can use it. This belt also offers some protection to your hip and side area from things like slips and tips banging into door frames etc… If you want a sturdy belt that’s going to lock in to place, be comfy when wearing for a long time and hold a ton off your gear on; then this belt is for you. It comes in several different camo patterns and is set at a good price. The one thing for sure is this will outlast you. It will never fail when you need it the most, but that is what you get from Warrior Assault Systems.